Custom Foot Orthotics in St. James & Downtown Winnipeg

Sometimes, manual therapy and exercise are not enough to resolve your pain or eliminate functional limitations. A pair of custom-made foot orthoses (orthotics) may be prescribed by your health care professional to help you through your rehabilitation and long term care of your condition.

Your physiotherapist at Paragon will first review a medical history with you. He will then complete a biomechanical assessment of your foot and lower extremity to have accurate orthotics made to help your

specific condition. Usually, on a following visit, your physiotherapist will cast your foot with plaster to have a negative mold of your feet. These molds are then sent to Paris Orthotics in Vancouver, BC for complete fabrication. Your orthotic is made CUSTOM for your feet and your condition.

This process differs from other clinics that may use a force plate (one that you step on) and then have a computer collect the data on foot pressure as you are walking. The data is then sent to a company that matches the readings with whatever matches best from their premade orthotics. These are NOT custom orthotics and many insurance companies will not cover the cost of these ready-made insoles.

Please contact Paragon Physiotherapy if you have any questions on custom orthotics created specifically for your condition and needs.

PDF Download a copy of our intake sheet and complete it prior to your appointment.